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By Jamie Anne Smith

Destination Changes

Book is available in paperback and on Kindle April 8!

People always say, “Life is about the journey, not the destination.” What they don’t tell you is that the destination changes.

Learn how having the heart of an entrepreneur helped me survive, and even thrive, through disability, chronic illness, job loss, identity crisis, and, yes, business ownership.

What’s more, discover the same entrepreneurial spirit inside of you. 

Even if you never own a business.


Jamie Anne Smith

I often tell people that I grew up in Kansas but became a grownup in Arkansas. A journalist by training and an entrepreneur by spirit, I am a wife, business owner, nonprofit leader, and a woman who lives with both a major disability and multiple chronic illnesses. 

My life mission is to “Inspire people towards better self-awareness and ownership of their inherent value, core beliefs, and purpose through my own personal vulnerability, storytelling, and leadership.”

This book, and the upcoming podcast, is a major manifestation of that mission. 



Other Brands

Personal Blog

Sunflowers & Thorns

Sunflowers & Thorns is my personal lifestyle blog where I talk about life, faith, food, and more. 

Writing/Consulting Business

Jamie’s Notebook

Jamie’s Notebook is my writing company where I work with small businesses owners and nonprofit organizations to create content that helps tell their story. 

My Writing Blog

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Press release: Local entrepreneur releases first book

Press release: Local entrepreneur releases first book

For More Information Jamie Smith Author 479-531-1685 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  April 8, 2024 Local entrepreneur releases first book Destination Changes a story of thriving through adversity NORTHWEST ARKANSAS – Local...

Sharing the publishing journey

Sharing the publishing journey

I first started talking about writing a book a couple of years ago when I hired a coach/consultant to help me with the process. I thought, “Oh, this will only take six months now!” Well, a lot got in the way of that, most of all my own darn self.

Now, nearly three years later, the book is about to be published, and I’m writing the first blog on this website. A few months ago, I decided to be more open about the process involved in writing the book. After all, being vulnerable and honest about my own story is a theme behind my writing the book and it’s part of my life mission statement.